Investigative Reporting Workshop

Publish Our Stories

The Investigative Reporting Workshop is committed to sharing in-depth, investigative stories about government and corporate accountability. In line with that mission, we encourage the re-publication of our stories, graphics and other content. Here are the ground rules:

  • All stories must retain our byline and include our organization. For example: By Charles Lewis, Investigative Reporting Workshop (or Charles Lewis/IRW)
  • This note should be appended at either the top or bottom of any story:
    • Online: This story was originally published by the Investigative Reporting Workshop, a nonprofit newsroom based at American University.
    • Print: This story was originally published by the Investigative Reporting Workshop (, an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom based at the American University School of Communication. 
  • If you’re re-publishing online, please link back to the original story on the Investigative Reporting Workshop’s site.
  • Content re-published online should include all links from our original story.
  • You cannot edit our stories. Minor changes to reflect your publication’s style are allowed, as are changes that reflect the passage of time. For example, “last month” could be changed to “last year.”
  • You cannot re-publsh our material automatically or wholesale. Stories must instead be selected and republished individually.
  • You cannot sell our material separately.
  • Our content can be placed on pages with advertisements, but not advertisements specifically paired with or designed for our content.
  • We like to see where our republished stories end up! Please notify us via e-mail to that you have republished our content. If applicable, please include a link to the location of the republished content.
  • If we send you a request to remove our content from your website, you agree to do so immediately.

In the past, some organizations have published an analysis of our work along with additional reporting by their own staffers. Other have had our reporters as guest contributors on their websites. A few examples of how our partners used our work or collaborated with us are available on our Partners page. If you’re interested in partnerships, contact Lynne Perri at